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Philanthropy Innovators

Hi philanthropy. Meet innovation. Declining donor numbers. Rapid technological change. Record staff turnover. Philanthropy is evolving faster than ever before, and traditional fundraising principles aren't working anymore. Philanthropy Innovators provides future-oriented consulting, leadership, and coaching services to help you anticipate tomorrow's trends and achieve sustainable, high-impact philanthropy.

ProSet Coating Solutions

ProSet Coatings is a manufacturer of coatings and a provider of solutions for the building contractor industry. Our consolidated experience brings over sixty years of chemistry and contracting under one roof. Our principles and founders have worked on projects all over the world and have helped build some of America’s greatest structures. As a specialty coating manufacturer in this fast-changing world of technology, we bring a different approach. We utilize proven materials, equipment, and technologies to bring the most advanced products to market. We are not selling you a product to make a sale. We are selling a solution to build and grow a relationship!